Shinpiden Reiki Level IIIa and IIIb Course

Shinpiden Reiki Level IIIa and IIIb Courses (These Courses are not being run currently)

Welcome to the Shinpiden Reiki Level IIIa and IIIb course at Nottinghamshire Reiki and Meditation. This advanced level of Reiki training is designed for practitioners who are ready to deepen their understanding and connection to the universal life force energy.

Course Overview 

Shinpiden, meaning "mystery teachings" in Japanese, represents the culmination of the Usui Reiki system. In this course, students will delve into the spiritual and energetic aspects of Reiki, honing their skills and expanding their capabilities as practitioners.

What You'll Learn

  • Advanced Reiki Techniques: Explore advanced healing techniques, symbols, and mantras to enhance your ability to channel and work with Reiki energy.
  • Deepening Spiritual Connection: Deepen your connection to the universal life force energy and explore spiritual concepts related to Reiki practice.
  • Distance Healing: Learn techniques for performing Reiki healing sessions remotely, allowing you to send healing energy across time and space.
  • Teaching Empowerment: Discover how to empower others through Reiki by learning how to teach and attune students to Reiki energy.

Course Structure

Our Shinpiden Reiki Level IIIa and IIIb course are conducted over several days, comprising both in-person instruction and practical exercises. Students will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on practice, group discussions, and personal reflection to deepen their understanding and integration of the course material.


Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive certification as a Shinpiden Reiki Level IIIa and IIIb practitioner. This certification acknowledges your advanced training and empowers you to teach Reiki to others if you choose to do so.

Are you ready to embark on the next stage of your Reiki journey? Enroll for the Shinpiden Reiki Level IIIa and IIIb course and deepen your connection to the healing power of Reiki. 

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